This page was created for everyone who wants to help with supporting Tohoshinki in all countries, where it is hard to make some asian artist well known. If you think, that DBSK are something special join us!
Anyway - we are not in contact with TVXQ members or their management. All activities here are from our own will.


To become supporter please fill the form here. We will list you as soon as possible.
Unhapilly we are not able to let everyone know when he's listed, so please try to check it yourself.
It should never take more than one week. If it will be longer, please try to fill the form once more or send us e-mail (

Join TVXQ WorldWide Supporters
Questions marked by * are required.
1. Nick (or name): *
2. Country: *
3. Email: *
4. Another contact:
5. Message to TVXQ WW stuff