Weekly Summary kinda turned into a monthly summary. I am really sorry for lack of posting, updating and such, but I was really busy last times.
Anyway - it may seems like TVXQ WorldWide project is sleeping or something, but it´s NOT true :) We probably are more alive then ever :)
There are lot´s of informations to share now! So please, check it out ^^
Yeah, as always - I´d like to remind you about our contest.
It´s really easy and we still don´t have enough of contestants, so there is really BIG CHANCE for everyone to win. I know, the price is only buttons or T-shirts, but still - it´s all free, so why not to try? ^^
Everything about the contest you can find
HEREIf we won´t have enough of contestants (at least five) we´ll have to cancel whole contest... It would by pity, don´t you think?
Interesting thing to share also is, that we had two TVXQ WW meetings in Czech republic already.
First one was unofficial - it was officially a K-POP meeting, but we were allowed to come with our leaflets and stickers. People from the meeting get some and they tried to spread them around - as like as we did. I will post some photos later.
Second meeting was oficial meeting of
DBSK Czech Fanpage and TVXQ WorldWide. Unhapilly - the weather was absolutely terrible. It was raining really hard, so at the end we were not able to try to hand off some leaflets and stickers, ´cause it would get wet right at the moment we´d put it out of the bag. So... This second meeting kinda failed. But still it was pretty fun :) We were only 5 people at all, ´cause many cancelled their concern for the last moment, but we were walking through Prague to see some places where TVXQ were (while Princ in Prague session), then we went for a dinner to a chinese restaurant and at the end we wen´t to one club, where we watched TVXQ dramas on laptop (we saw Dangerous Love, Dating On the Earth, Golden Fishery). So - through our promoting issue kinda failed - it was really nice afternoon :)
IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE: If you´d like to organize TVXQ WW meeting in your country, let us know! We´ll help you and of course we´d spread everything about your meeting on our page^^
Oh yeah, there are some updates too^^
I have finally updated all supporters who has signed lately (so we´re waiting for new requests;))
We also have TWO new countries.
Vietnam (the second asian group ^^) and
There is one urgent petition we updated, I think that everyone should read it, who knows, maybe someone´ll help.
READ HEREAlso very exciting update - our 2nd CONTACT PERSON! Stephanie from Chile - read a little interview
HEREAaand - I can´t forget that I finally updloaded the pictures of Leaflets and stickers for everyone who wants to organize TVXQ WW meeting. You only had to change the local fanpage link, what I could do for you. If you´ll want to do some meeting, mail me and I´ll send you edited leaflets and stickers patterns ready for print. You can see the patterns
And of course - we are still hiring a contact persons. If you are interrested -
READ HEREWell, thanks for your attention! I hope that since now on I´ll keep this page active again ^^
Always keep the faith, my dear supporters!